Friday, July 27, 2012

Yeah, I'm back. . . again

OK, I'm so not a blogger. Can't seem to post on  a regular basis. Instead of trying to do it daily, I think I'll set aside one day to do it. Let's see how it works out.

Lots has changed. I live in Texas, I have a daughter and I no longer own a blackberry. I thought about deleting the previous post, but decided not to since the themes are really pretty. I now own a droid and I'm in love.

I think I'm going to devote this blog to books I've read. I have a wordpress blog that I think I'll devote to Droid. Again, let's see how this plays out. Luckily both Blogger and Wordpress have apps. . .I'm not getting my hopes up, but I will try.

First book is The Witness by Nora Roberts. Wasn't always a fan, in fact, I didn't want to read her work at all. I mean, come on, who could be that prolific and be any good? I was wrong. I don't like all of her work, but I do like a good bit of it.

The Challange- To read The Witness and blog about it.

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